
Benignly Divisive Topics for Dinner Parties or Anytime

Most people have strong opinions about frivolous things

Tracy Gerhardt Cooper
Loose Ends
Published in
2 min readApr 14, 2021


There’s no shortage of debate these days — politics, religion, parenting, you name it, people want to debate it. Some of these topics can cause feuds, bitterness, and even end relationships. To lighten the mood and divert the conversation, I offer this carefully curated list of topics people have staunch opinions about.

At your next gathering, when someone brings up the Green New Deal or MAGA, you can slide one of these bad boys in to disrupt any potential discord. Disarm your self-righteous aunt or your vegan neighbor by bringing up something that might be fun to debate but is unlikely to cause permanent estrangement.

  • What’s the difference between a coat and a jacket?
  • Which way does the toilet paper go — over or under?
  • What is one food ketchup should never go on?
  • Is Taco Bell really fit for human consumption?
  • Are wedges the only acceptable way to cut pancakes?
  • How closely connected should you be to people to tell them their fly is down?
  • Is the use of all caps a criminal offense if you aren’t conveying something that should

